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Videos about

Various foods and eating habits

There are all kinds of myths, untruths or legends on the topic of various ingredients and eating behaviors, especially about milk or eggs, about soy proteins, and many other. An example is that the egg would be the complete food, that milk would give calcium for bones, that plants would not contain "complete protein", or that soy would contain hormones that trigger serious ailments... Other myths would be that plants dont have enough and diverse proteins, or that our grandparents ate mostly meat, eggs and dairy, without getting sick... and many other such untruths or misinformation.


In this section there are video pills that clarify all these aspects.

Cianura din sare
Carne sau pește
Oul fără colesterol
Uleiul de masline
Bunicii vegani de post
Laptele vegetal
Carnea de pește
Apa cu pietre
Mâncarea sănătoasă
Paine cu lipici
Despre proteine
Aivia products
Iuliu Ciupe-Vaida on Euronews
Proteina completă
Adevărul despre soia

Tema abordată
în emisiuni sau podcast-uri

La radio despre lapte
La radio despre post
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