Cabinet of Nutrition for Chronic Diseases
Seal code 140111 - aut.2/24.11.2022 Timiș Territorial College

O mâncare scoțiană, pentru digestia românească! 😊

Constipația sau un scaun neregulat sunt de cele mai multe ori efectul unei diete cu prea puține fibre vegetale, din păcate dieta tipică românească având un conținut de doar... cca… 12-16 grame/zi. (!!!)
În paralel cu măsuri care ar trebui luate pentru a ridica aportul de fibre vegetale la minim 40-45 grame/zi (ideal ar fi peste 50-55 grame/zi, mai ales că o microbiotă hrănită corespunzător cu fibre este premisa unui sistem imunitar autentic funcțional), stimularea peristaltismului intestinal (mișcarea mațelor) se poate face ușor și plăcut prin intermediul micului dejun cu porridge – terci din fulgi de ovăz integral, mâncare tradițională din Scoția
Porridge se prepară astfel:
La 1 parte de fulgi din ovăz integral (de ex. 100 g), se pun 2 părți de apă (200 g sau 200 ml) și o priză de sare.
În varianta modernă, în loc de apă se poate pune lapte vegetal (de migdale, de soia șamd).
Se fierbe întâi apa (sau laptele vegetal), după care se adaugă fulgii din ovăz integral cu vasul luat de pe foc amestecând continuu cu un tel. Apoi se pune din nou vasul pe foc și se lasă la flacără mică (sau la gradație mică la plite electrice), amestecând des. Timp de fierbere: 10-12 minute.
Se poate consuma ca atare sau cu fructe de pădure, eventual îndulcit cu zahăr din ștevia (nu utilizați zahăr, miere sau alți îndulcitori) și scorțișoară, după gust.
Pentru cazuri de constipație mai acute, se poate mânca încă o porție seara.
Dacă fulgii de ovăz sunt fierți (în loc de apă sau lapte vegetal) în stoc* de legume, porridge va avea gust excelent de supă (varianta nedulce)
* stoc (sau stock) - apa de pe legume fierte – adică o supa concentrata de legume, strecurata, care se folosește la realizarea altor mâncăruri, fie pentru a le face mai gustoase, fie pentru a le realiza mai repede.

Method of preparation
(for 900 ml of soup – 3 servings)
Bring 900 ml of water to boil, take the pot off the heat and add 6 (six) heaping tablespoons of whole oats.
The whole oat flakes must be of good quality, plain, without dried fruit or other added flavors/sugars. I found something German in supermarkets (Fortin Vollkorn Haferflocken) but I personally recommend the certified organic version, i.e. Fine Eco Oat Flakes from Everbio(https://www.everbio.ro/p/everbio-fulgi-de-ovaz-fini-bio-500g/14600). The order can be made online or, for those from Arad, the store is on Bdul Revoluetii no. 42, tel. 0257218404.
Carefully add the flakes to the hot water, with the bowl removed from the stove, because the mixture has a tendency to boil over, just like milk!
Then put the pot back on the fire and carefully stirr until it boils again, then turn the heat to minimum and let it boil slowly, stirring every 2~3 minutes. Boiling continues for about 20 minutes, with the lid on.
For those who do not like cereal husks in the soup or have an active (open) ulcer:
Strain the soup through a sieve (plastic or metal), then mash what remains in the sieve with a ladle or a spoon (that is, press, performing rotation movements, to force it through the sieve). At the end, scraped from the outside of the sieve what passed through it and mix with the rest of the soup, until homogenized.
Administration method
The resulting cream-soup can be seasoned with salt and eaten (or drunk, from any container) in portions of 300 ml (one cup - approx. 60 cal), three times a day, within 15 min. before the main meals (e.g. breakfast, lunch and dinner), without bread. The treatment lasts for ten days. During the treatment, if the gastroesophageal reflux still persists in the first days, it is to be treated with sodium bicarbonate (a teaspoon as needed, or preventively in the evening, 20 minutes before going to bed - put in the mouth and then swallow with plenty of water).
Diet during treatment
During the treatment, it is recommended to avoid food with ingredients of animal origin as much as possible.
Absolutely excluded during the cure are milk and dairy products of any kind (milk, cream, cheese, cottage cheese, milk cream, butter, pastries and confectionery containing milk, coffee milk, etc.).
During the 10 days, it is recommended to eliminate pork or beef and fried foods (fried vegetables are also included in the category of fried foods), as well as strong spices.


Blackthorn or sloe (in Romania "porumbele", with purple, spherical, small, very astringent berries - Primus spinosa) is a thorny shrub, similar to poppy, very widespread in our country in the spontaneous flora of plains and hills.
The blackthorn bark decoction (preparation by long boiling) has a quick effect and without unpleasant side effects, consisting in dissolving of stonthe es and/or sand accumulated in the kidneys (the treatment does not move the stone/ sand)
The treatment consists in daily consumption of a minimum of 3L decoction prepared from the bark of the pigeon bush, for 3 days.
For 250ml of tea, the bark is harvested from 20 cm of branch, choosing the ones with thickness of the index finger, washed of dust or other impurities before peeling with a knife. (IN THE PICTURE BELOW YOU CAN SEE HOW I SEND THEM TO PATIENTS WHO DO NOT HAVE SUCH BUSHES IN THEIR AREA)
A simple calculation shows us that, in order to prepare the 3L needed for one day of treatment, we need the bark from about 2.5m of branches, and in total (for the 3 days) we need about 7.5m.
The bark removed from the branches (peeled) is shredded a little (to later fit into the boiling pot), dried for three to four days on paper in conditions away from light or intense heat sources (so not on the radiator/stove or in the sun, but possibly on a higher shelf in the house), after which the actual decoction is prepared as follows:
Put the bark from the 2.5m of branches (corresponding to a daily portion) in a bowl and add 3.1L of water (100ml is the reserve for evaporation during boiling). Bring the water to boil, then continue boiling on very low heat, with the lid on, for 30-40 min. Then the tea is left to cool (preferably overnight, with the peels in it), then it's strained in the morning and poured in a clean bowl, ready to start the treatment.
Suggestion: Prepare the portion for the next day in the evening! You can drink more tea, although 3L is the daily minimum.
Drink the prepared amount (3L) as such, in portions of 200~300ml (one cup), throughout the day (from morning to evening, the last portion before going to bed, usually about one cup per hour) without sugar, honey or any other addition. There is one exception: you can add a little lemon if you don';t like the taste.
In the evening, the decoction is prepared again for the next day, etc.
The treatment lasts for 3 days.
It is possible that already from the first day the urine is slightly feculent, usually in the color of the dissolved kidney deposit - sand or stone.
After finishing the treatment, wait four days until a new ultrasound check is performed. In most cases, the stone/sand is no longer detectable, being completely dissolved.
In case of some remnants (eg for very large kidney stones), the treatment can be repeated every 10 days as often as necessary for the stones to dissolve completely.
After the blackthorn bark decoction treatment, in order to prevent the appearance of new stones (usually due to consumption of water with too many inorganic minerals, an inadequate diet, excess of drugs, etc.) it is recommended to replace mineral water (regardless of flat or carbonated!) or any other refreshments (juices, energy drinks, etc.) with cherry tail tea PREPARED WITH DRINKING WATER.
It has a proven effect of preventing the occurrence of lithiasis.
Cherry tail tea is also prepared using the previously described decoction method.

Breuss-juice - antioxidant and antitumor

Cancer treatment by consuming Breuss juice for 42 days is adviced to be started only after patient evaluation at the Nutrition Cabinet!
The juice can be prepared at home, or it can be purchased from various Romanian producers.
For more details, download the book from the link below, then contact the Nutrition Cabinet.
Austrian naturopath Rudolf Breuss, fervent supporter of alternative treatments for cancer, invented over half a century ago an anti-tumor vegetable juice cure used by tens of thousands of people diagnosed with cancer. According to the statements of the famous Austrian nutritionist, he treated more than 45,000 cancer patients with this method. His patients stated that in most cases the tumors went into remission after only 42 days of the Breuss regimen.
Its vegetable juice combined with specific teas, depending on the type of cancer, targets various malignant tumors, including leukemia. The procedure requires te exclusive consumption during six weeks of Breuss juice plus some specific teas, depending on the type of cancer.
Drink no more than 500 ml of Breuss juice per day (300 ml for thin people, 350-400 ml for those of average weight, and maximum 500 ml for overweight or obese people). The juice is consumed with a spoon (like soup), with small sips and a pause of a few seconds between them, because this is the only way to achieve the expected effect of nourishing the body, but without increasing the blood sugar (increase that would lead to an abundance of "food" in the bloodstream, which effectively only serves the malignant cells).
The principle of Rudolf Breuss's anti-cancer cure
The Austrian Rudolf Breuss launched the idea that cancer cells destroy themselves during the cure. This is due to the scientifically proven fact, that cancer cells need 15-16 times more food than healthy cells to survive. The juice recipe is designed in such a way that in the amount of max. 300-500ml/day, it ensures the minimum survival requirement for all healthy cells in the body, but the malignant ones are, during the cure (of 42 consecutive days), placed in an environment where there is simply not enough "fuel" in the body for their survival.
This WEB page does not constitute medical advice or specialized nutritional and dietetic advice. For health and nutrition issues, please consult your doctor or nutritionist.
To find out what kind of specific teas should accompany the Breuss juice during the 42 days of anti-tumor cure, download and read the book "Total Cancer Treatment" by Rudolf Breuss by following this link (Romanian translation): DOWNLOAD THE BOOK
For the actual treatment, ordering the juice you commit on your own responsibility to carefully go through the method of administration described and the teas that accompany the cure, in the book "Total Treatment of Cancer" by Rudolf Breuss, depending on the type of condition,and only then go through the procedure.
For complete informations and customization and to be able to follow this treatment with the necessary or even mandatory nutritional supervision for certain stages of the condition, be sure to consult a nutritionist specializing in chronic diseases, preferably one with experience of oncology patients.
Tocăniță de fasole verde vegană
Ciorba de Linte pentru REVELION
Paste Bologneze de post - 100% plant-based
Vegan DROB - 100% plant-based
Vegan DROB (traditional Romanian Easter food)
100% plant-based
- 1 carrot the length of the DROB (optional)
- 4 cups of boiled lentils
- 3 onions
- 6 cloves of pressed garlic
- 1 cup ground walnut
- 1.5 cups breadcrumbs
- 1 tablespoon of yeast flakes
- 1/4 cup oil
- 1 cup of soy milk
- 1 teaspoon basil
- 1 teaspoon marjoram
- salt and pepper
- 1 bunch dill, 1 bunch lovage, 5 green onions - all finely chopped
- 1 teaspoon grated smoked paprika
- 1 teaspoon turmeric
If you want a round circle of a different color in the middle of the drob (optional, it's only for an aesthetic purpose), put the carrot to boil, but only for 10 minutes, then place it in the middle of the DROB (it will continue to be done while baking in the oven .)
Sautee the chopped onion (not the green one!) in a little water with a spoonful of sunflower oil (one minute). When it's glassy, take it off the heat and sprinkle the smoked paprika on top.
Put all the other ingredients in a bowl, adding the sautéed onion at the end. Then mix everything very thorough (best kneaded by hand!).
The content is moved to an oiled cake pan, filling up to half its height by pressing the mix well against the bottom of the mold with a spoon or silicone spatula.
Optionally, the pre-boiled carrot is placed lengthwise, in the center (where the eggs were traditionally placed) and pressed a little into the DROB. Then put the rest of the composition, up to the top.
It can be decorated with green olives and carrot rings or strips, according to everyone's fantasy.
Put it in the oven with ventilation at 180 degrees for 70 minutes - I don't know if the time is similar in a regular oven, so write in the comments how it turnes out and if you need another time for other ovens. Then removed it from the oven and let it cool for at least 1 hour, after which iplaced it in the refrigerator until the next day. If you run a knife between the DROB and the edge of the mold (to make sure it is detached from the sides), the DROB will easily come out.
It is served in slices the thickness of a finger and with the thought of how beautifully the lamb (the one you did NOT put in the food) jump for joy!
Happy Easter and blessings with love, happiness and full health!
Black bread (wholemeal)
...and sorry if some details are lost in translation...

(with bread maker)
NOTE: For smaller loaves, obviously reduce the ingredients below proportionally.
10g fresh yeast
2 teaspoons grated sugar
2 tablespoons of flour
2 tablespoons of water at 30 degrees (lukewarm water)
Yeast preparation (see images):
Mix the sugar with the yeast, leave for 30 seconds until it liquefies, add 2 spoons of flour + 2~3 spoons of warm water (35-36 degrees Celsius), stirring continuously, until the mixture takes on the consistency of cream. Then it is covered and left to stand for 15 min at room temperature. As a rule, during this time the composition doubles its volume, so be careful, there is room to grow in the bowl.
Weigh out 1000g of black flour. In my opinion, the best flour from the Arad area is from RDF Sofronea- black flour without improvers, absolutely perfect for such bread!
Sieve all the flour at least once, for aeration. The husks from the whole meal flour that remain in the sieve are put back into the flour each time.
III.IN THE BREAD MACHINE put, one by one:
640 g (or ml) of water at body temperature (35-37 degrees max)
1-2 teaspoons of salt (15g)
(optional) 3-4 tablespoons (60g) seed mix (sunflower, flax, hemp, sesame, melon, etc.)
Turn the pan in one direction and another, holding the handle, so that the salt is completely dissolved in the water before adding the flour and yeast and then:
pour about 3/4 of the flour into the water
add the raised yeast, distributing it all over the already kneading dough
pour in what is left of the flour
the program of 3 hours and 10-15 minutes is launched (homemade bread)
Until the ingredients are homogenized, it's good to help remove the flour from the edge of the tub with a spatula from time to time, if necessary - it depends on the type of baking machine, with some you don't need to intervene at all. Put the lid on and wait until the kneading, raising and baking program is complete. Normally, the dough must be non-sticky during kneading, but pliable enough to take the specific ";kidney"-shape (see video).
Practical suggestion:
When the bread is ready, leave it in the tub for about 20-30 minutes and only then take it out! It will come out much easier than immediately after the program is finished.

Vegan omelette with tofu
Classic hummus
For a larger portion (because our hummus is mostly gone like warm bread!) I make it directly in the food processor. For smaller portions I suppose it can be made in the chopper.
- 2 tins of boiled chickpeas
- 3 generous spoons of tahini (sesame paste)
- 3 spoons of mustard
- 5 medium cloves of garlic
- salt to taste
- extra virgin olive oil (approx. 4-5 tablespoons)
- turmeric, pepper, smoked paprika, pepper paste, thyme, sometimes a few green olives or a spoonful of pesto - it depends on what flavor I want to give the hummus)
Drain the water from the canned chickpeas (but do not discard, because we will need it to adjust the density of the paste!).
Put all the ingredients in the food processor (minus the water from the chickpeas, see picture) and - attention! - ...
Start the robot and leave it on maximum speed, until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
It takes about 4-5 minutes, during which time - to adjust the density - add a little of the water from the chickpeas until a fluffy but stable paste is obtained. (I also put salt and oil in the video because... I had forgotten about them initially!).

Potato soup with tarragon, like grandmother did
3 onions
2 carrots
1 medium celery
1 red bell pepper or capia
1 yellow bell pepper
1 large tomato - but real, aurora type, otherwise you can do without it
1 kg of red potatoes (my favorites)
200 ml of tomato juice or 3 tablespoons of broth
1/2 l of borscht or the juice of 1 lemon
enough tarragon to hold between 2 fingers (bought from the market, in a jar)
olive or sunflower oil, preferably cold pressed
salt to taste
Clean the vegetables, wash them conscientiously and remove the skins, peels or other unwanted elements. While performing this aesthetic operation, boil water in a large pot (type 6L). Attention, if you use borscht, it is recommended to leave room for it because it is extremely difficult to cram liquids into an already full bowl!...
Chop the onions small, to make you cry, then put them in the water, which is already boiling. Add the carrot cut into rounds, the celery, along with the pepper also cut into cubes (or powdered in my case... I put the peppers in a small blender, like a nutribullet or delimano chopper (my son can't stand the texture of boiled pepper... so - our child, our master!)
Let it boil for a few minutes (12 - one minute for each apostle, you can also mention it so that you get a good soup), then add the potatoes cut into cubes and the tomato, peeled and chopped. At this stage, the first round of salt is already put in, the fine adjustment is done afterwards.
Let it simmer for another 12~15 minutes (zen, unstressed). If the onion is cooked, they most likely cooked the rest of the vegetables as well. The potato boils the fastest.
Add the lemon juice and cook once more.
Add the tomato juice that has become bored while waiting on the counter and let it boil again. Season the soup with salt and add finely chopped tarragon.
If the soup is not sour enough, add a little vinegar (from tarragon juice or balsamic vinegar). Finally, add a little oil (about 3~6 tablespoons, rather 3 rather than 6) and boil for another minute or two, so that he knows that you are the boss!
And now grandma's soup is on your table! Health to the grandmother, who still has it, and good appetite to all of you!
Obviously, it is served with love and hot peppers.

Yellow bean soup
1500g green beans (after cleaning, there will be less oil)
2 carrots
1 parsley root
1 parsnip
1 celery
1 onion
2 white bell peppers and 2 red peppers (if they are large, only 1 of each)
1/2 L broth (or a few tomatoes, peeled and finely chopped, about 500g)
1 clove of garlic (it didn't sit in the picture, it's shameful...)
1 bunch of lovage + one of green parsley
salt (to taste)
olive oil (optional - put about 2 tablespoons at the last boil, after adding the finely chopped green leaves)
Set the lemon aside, it is used at the end to sour the soup (you can also use vinegar or borscht, but the lemon gives a fresher touch)
Boil the beans, together with the carrots cut into rounds (in enough water to cover and add some salt), for about 20 minutes.
In the meantime, don't log in to Facebook!!!! 🧐🧐🧐
You move naturally and clean the rest of the vegetables and, apart from the potatoes, you chop the others with a chopper or grate them, right?!
Cut the potatoes into cubes and leave them in water... They are added later and do not need to be boiled.
(Garlic is not added now either, but is added, crushed and chopped, at the last boil, together with the optional olive oil).
Sauté the vegetables in a spray of oil, after which you can give them a little water, so that they bubble in their own juice until the beans are cooked.
The 20 minutes pass, so you take the pan and pour the cooked vegetables into the pot with beans.
Now is the time to put the diced potatoes in the pot! If necessary, add a little more water - but only enough to cover! You must leave room for the broth (or chopped tomatoes), which are added at the end!
Let everything boil for another 10 minutes...
No, you have 10 minutes of Facebook time! … Although, you can already finely chop the lovage and parsley, or chop those tomatoes, so that it is like a paste! :P
After 10 minutes, add the broth (or obsessively chopped tomatoes) and garlic. If necessary (it depends on the broth and everyones taste), add the lemon juice... (Do you remember where you put it?! )
Boil everything for another 5 minutes, then add, in this order: the finely chopped greens AND THEN the olive oil, a little! Just like that, taste and appearance!
Just give it a boil, after which it is served with bread, hot peppers and possibly vegetable cream.
To eat, eat with a spoon. 😘

Multi-layered moussaka with tofu

- 1 small cabbage (or ½ large)
- 2 donuts (or capsicum, also that)
- 2 healthy onions
- 1 bunch of root vegetables (2 carrots, 1 parsley and 1 parsnip)
- 1 small celery (or ½ large)
- 1 zucchini, two handfuls together
- 1 box of tofu 200g
- I mix spices for pork (just to show that they are delicious and WITHOUT PORK!)
- 150g vegetable cheese
- broth (thicker, like pureed tomatoes)
- green parsley
- thyme
- oil, salt, pepper
First and foremost, cut the tofu into slices and place them in a water bath with spices. I put the spice mixture for pork, but here there is total freedom, from all possible flavors to red wine, soy sauce, etc.
Grate the cabbage on a Romanian grater, or grit your teeth, get some patience from somewhere and cut it with a knife. You mix it with salt and thyme (with your bare hands, don't be afraid to put the sticks in!). Then put a little oil on the bottom of a pot and add the cabbage, let it fry for a few minutes, turning from time to time.
In the meantime, clean all the vegetables, some to be chopped, others sliced, according to taste. Onions and donuts are sure to be chopped, of course (or chopped with a chopper, if you're lazy like me!).
The onion, the egg whites and the chopped whites are sauteed in an oil spray (I only left the slices of the carrot and the celery, because I like to feel that more intense taste... but here it's up to everyone.
You can chop or slice any ingredient except onion and donut, which must be chopped). After the chopped pieces have cooked, add the sliced pieces (in my case, celery and carrots), add very sparingly water and salt, a little pepper, then leave to boil for 10 minutes, with the lid on and the heat turned down.
In the meantime, you've turned the cabbage, I hope!!!
(If not, stop and move everything to another pot)
In the end, the idea is that and to the cabbage you now add a little water, enough to boil without making a complaint, and you put it for about 9 minutes, so that you are synchronized with the vegetables, as you should to cook everything at once.
Until it boils, peel the zucchini, remove the seeds and cut it into julienne slices.
Now it's time to assemble the awesomeness!
Put a little olive oil on the bottom of the pot (in the picture it's a slow-cooker). Start with the cabbage (it is taken from the pot without much juice). Over the layer of cabbage always put some tomato juice, enough to bite.
In the series of pictures you can see the order in which I put the layers, but you can give free rein to your imagination! The idea is to have all the ingredients in as homogeneous layers as possible, at least 2 layers of each.
Somewhere in the middle is a round of grated vegetable cheese.
To finish, it ends with everything, like at the exhibition, and grated vegetable cheese, and and and... if you don't know how, follow the images and do it... upside down!
In the slow cooker it takes about 3 hours.
In an ordinary oven, put the pot inside as soon as the fire/current is turned on. After it reaches 220 degrees, it is reduced to 180~200 degrees and it is ready in 25 min.
It is served with vegetable cream and greens thrown on top, as if by chance...
Potato stew
with smoking
INGREDIENTS (for 10 portions)
- a box of smoked tofu
- 1500 g potatoes
- 2 large carrots
- a small celery
- a parsnip + a parsley (root)
- an onion
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 2 bunches of green parsley
- 2~3 bay leaves
- basil
- ½ L broth or chopped tomatoes
- paprika
- hot paprika (or hot pepper paste)
- salt pepper
Sauté a small amount of onion in a little oil, until it doesn't brown too well. Then quickly add paprika (sweet). The thing turns slowly, just enough for the paprika to greet the onion, after which the water from the smoked tofu is added. (In some brands there is less liquid, no stress, because we add the water right away anyway!)
And now: add the chopped vegetables and tofu (well crushed), then add the sliced carrots to taste and the bay leaves.
Add the diced potatoes and fill with water (up to the 5L mark, so that there is room for boiling, but also for the broth which is added afterwards).
A pinch of salt and pepper can already be added, as well as paprika (or chili paste), according to taste! That later you don't get into the stew anymore and I hear you commenting again!
Boil everything for about 10~15 minutes (until the potatoes and carrots are done), then add the broth and leave for another 5 minutes. Then press the garlic and put it in the stew, together with the parsley, until it boils.
Check one more time for salt and pepper, and then... that's it! – Put the lid on and let it communicate with the celestial spheres for about 20 minutes.
... until the table is set... until a pickle is taken out... a vegetable sour cream... until the fresh bread is cut... such.
It is eaten with a spoon today. With the fork only tomorrow, when the potatoes will have eaten all the juice!

Stuffed mushrooms, grilled

mushrooms (caps)
filling made of:
crumbled tofu, bound with soy milk and vegetable cream,
grated vegetarian cheese
chopped red bell pepper
parsley - dill - green onion
salt - pepper - hot pepper
Place on a grill over not very agitated embers, or on an electric grill, for approx. 15 min (depending on the intensity of the fire, or the temperature)

Spinach Puree
on a bed of potatoes
INGREDIENTS (for 3 servings)
5 red potatoes, medium size
500g fresh spinach
1 clove of garlic
3 tablespoons of olive oil
salt, to taste
Wash the spinach well, ignoring its protests, as it is only washed when it rains.
Clean the potatoes and cut them into cubes.
Bring 4~5L of water, with a spoonful of salt added, to a boil.
In parallel, boil the potatoes in enough water to cover them, in which a teaspoon of salt has been added. By the time the spinach is ready, they will also be cooked (approx. 7 minutes from the time they start boiling).
When the spinach water is bubbling with maximum annoyance, of course... the spinach is added. It is left in the pot until the water starts to boil again (1 minute - 1 minute and a half), after which it is taken out, even if it likes the bath, put in a strainer and rinse briefly, with cold water, to know as in Romania we have a Scottish shower!
Let the spinach drain until the water no longer flows from it, then put it in the food processor. Add the garlic, oil and salt and grind everything until it becomes a puree. Add salt, if needed.
Drain the water from the potatoes, put them on a plate (optionally mash a little with a fork), then add the spinach puree on top.
Then it is eaten. If you have children, it is recommended to show them cartoons with Popeye the sailor in front of them, so that they don't turn their noses...

Ultralight mulled wine

1L semi-sweet red wine (I use a blend of Merlot with Pinot Noir, from Murfatlar)
1L water
black tea for 1L (cooks choice:English breakfast tea by Amway)
1 orange
1 lemon
March 1
1 cinnamon stick
2 cloves
Note: Don't scold me too much for alcohol and sugar! During the preparation, the strength of the wine is halved by diluting it with the flavored fruit tea, and then almost all the alcohol disappears through evaporation. Regarding sugar, it can be replaced with stevia or another sweetener.
Conscientiously wash all fruits.
Boil the water with the sliced fruits and the cinnamon stick + cloves.
Leave everything for 15 minutes on low heat, necessarily with the lid on, then add the wine.
Add the sugar, to taste (a lot goes in, around 8~10 spoons).
Boil for about 1 minute, then strain and transfer to a thermos.
It is served hot.

Zucchini stew with dill
- 3 pumpkins of 20-30cm (I had one of 70cm!)
- 2 large onions
- 4 cloves of garlic
- 3 carrots
- 1 parsley root
- a can of boiled corn
- 5 peeled large tomatoes or 200g of Italian tomato concentrate
- sweet goulash paste
- salt pepper
Finely chop the onion and put it to temper in a wok (or a pot with a fairly tight lid, but the wok from I-cook is sensational in preserving the flavors in the food, with a minimum of added water and a minimum of energy consumed for cooking. And it's not an advertisement, come to me and taste the difference with your own taste buds!).
In the meantime, peel the pumpkins, then cut them in half lengthwise and apply a short interrogation to the seeds inside. If they approach maturity, they no longer admit themselves to this select company and are cast out. If you want other pumpkins in the fall, you throw them somewhere on the ground. If not, to the household waste.
The zucchini is then cut into wider strips from which, by repeated cross-sectioning, cubes are made (I like to feel the texture, so I cut larger cubes, the size of potatoes in a soup... but each to taste).
In the meantime, the onion was also softened, on low heat. From now on, she doesn't get angry for any trifle and is ready to face difficulties! Now is the time to add the zucchini cubes + 100 ml water.
Grate the three peeled carrots and parsley root and add them to the dish.
Finely chop the dill and add it to the mixture, then the canned corn, mix everything, add salt, pepper, possibly some vegetables without Es (e.g. VITO seasoning, or equivalent) and leave to boil, at low heat, approx. 20 min. when the zucchini is almost cooked, squeeze half a whole lemon over it (that is, half a lemon – hee hee!).
Then add the peeled and finely chopped tomatoes (be careful not to lose the juice!), or the tomato concentrate, together with the 4 pressed garlic cloves (if they are small, you can add more, to taste). Add more water depending on whether you want the composition to be liquid or not and leave everything for another 5 minutes on a low heat, with the lid on, so that the flavors intermingle.
The stew is served in deep plates, garnished with vegetable cream and a sprig of dill.
It goes well with a red wine, demi dry or dry... But it also goes without.