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Prevention, treatment and remission


The primary cause of the initiation of malignant tumors is the chronic lack of oxygenation of the cells in the body, which leads to the genetic mutation necessary for anaerobic respiration (the production of energy needed by the cell through fermentation, in the absence of oxygen).


The video pills below give patients all the necessary information to be able to take the first steps to slow down the rate of initiation and development of tumors, explaining the cause of their appearance and the factors that support the growth and multiplication of tumors.

Cancerul nu e genetic
după diagnosticul oncologic
Cauze și remisie cancer
Adevărul despre chimioterapie
front wix.jpg
Dieta pentru prostată
chimio vs fito
Cauza cancer wix.jpg
alimentatia in cancer
Remediu boli cronice

Tema abordată
în emisiuni sau podcast-uri

La radio despre cancer
Podcast Silvia Marin
Podcast Silvia despre cancer
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