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ANTI-TUMOR BEET JUICE (Rudolf Breuss type) is an anti-tumor treatment that can be performed by any patient diagnosed with cancer, but it is especially recommended for those who are in advanced stages of the disease, or considered terminal by medicine. It is described in detail in the book "The Total Treatment of Cancer" which can be downloaded în Romanian version at this link:


The treatment involves maximum caloric restriction for 42 days, during which only antitumor juice is consumed, along 2 general teas and one specific tea (special tea for the specific type of cancer).




The author states in the book "Total Treatment of Cancer" (page 32):

"You "feed" yourself, for 42 days, with the mixture of juices. (…) It is much better if you eat nothing else during the Total Cancer Treatment. Success will take a while, or you may even fail, if you don't follow the instructions or if you eat (…). My observations over many years have confirmed that failure only occurs if the patient has not strictly followed my instructions, so there is a VERY good reason for me to emphasize this"


To ensure the survival of healthy cells and simultaneously severely starve only cancerous ones, only 125 ml to 250 ml of Breuss juice per day is needed.

Gently sip the juice from a spoon.

Do not swallow it right away.

Chew it, to mix it with saliva.


You can drink up to 500 ml, but the maximum indicated amount is approx. 300 ml.


Nutritionist's note for tube feeding: In case of enteral feeding (through a tube through the nose or stoma placed in the stomach or small intestine) Breuss juice is administered at body temperature (35-36 dgr. C) in small, successive doses, respectively: 15- 20 ml (the equivalent of a spoon), there is a pause of 10 seconds, then again 15-20 ml, etc.


Sage tea (Salvia officinalis)

Put a teaspoon of dry sage in half a liter of boiled water and let it boil on low heat for 3 minutes. Then take it off the heat and put it in a cup. After boiling the sage for 3 minutes, take the container off the heat and leave it for a while, then add (optionally, just to improve the flavor) some St. John's wort and fennel. Leave to infuse for 10 minutes. Then, strain the liquid for drinking.


Kidney tea

15 g - horse tail

10 g - nettle

8 g - crackling

6 g - St. John's wort


These quantities are enough for one person, for about 3 weeks.

Place a plug (as much as you can hold with three fingers) in a cup of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, then strain and store separately. Then, take two more cups of hot water and put them together with the remaining herbs in the strainer to boil on low heat (decoction) for 10 minutes! Then, filter and mix the two teas (the liquids obtained in the two stages).


There are five substances in kidney tea that must not be boiled or they will be destroyed. There is, however, the sixth substance, silicic acid, which we obtain only when we boil the tea (the remaining solid part) for 10 minutes.


Kidney tea only needs to be taken for three weeks!


Half a cup of cold tea (125ml) should be taken in the morning, on an empty stomach. Then again 125ml before lunch and again 125ml before bed. After 3 weeks, the kidney tea cure breaks.


After a break of 2-3 weeks, you can drink kidney tea again, as needed.


Specific teas for different forms of cancer:


In addition, for specific types of cancer it is recommended to drink, with small sips, a cup of tea specially for each form of cancer (200-250ml).


Additional teas for specific types of cancer are described in the Total Cancer Treatment book, starting on page 27 (for brain, eye, breast-ovarian-uterus, mouth-tongue-throat-larynx, skin, bone-lung, liver , stomach, spleen-pancreas)


How to correctly follow the Total Cancer Treatment


First thing in the morning: Drink slowly, with small sips, half a cup (125ml) of cold kidney tea (recipe above).

1/2 hour - an hour later: Drink 1-2 cups of warm sage tea.

1/2 hour - an hour after that: Take a small sip of juice and hold it in your mouth, mixing it well with saliva, then swallow it gently. Normally you can take the next sip after 10-15 seconds, but the ideal would be to leave a longer break, 15-30 minutes, until the next sip of juice, depending on how hungry you are. During the morning (until lunch) you may need about 10-15 sips (tablespoons) of Breuss juice.

At lunch: Drink 65 ml (about a third of a cup) of kidney tea

In the evening: Drink 65 ml of kidney tea again before going to bed.

Drink kidney tea only during the first 3 weeks of treatment!


You can also drink some juice (with small sips) in the afternoon, with herbal tea for the specific cancer .


You can drink up to 500 ml of Breuss juice per day, but it is not mandatory, being between 125-250 ml!


The specific type of cancer tea (see in the book which type of tea is for which specific type of cancer) can be drunk during the rest of the day, anytime instead of water.


Drink juice only if you feel the need. Between sips of Breuss juice, you can drink cold sage tea (with enteral feeding, the tea is introduced at body temperature, or 35-36 dgr C), but always without sugar!

ANTITUMORAL BEET JUICE 330mL (Rudolf Breuss type)

  • For a 10% discount when ordering on the manufacturer's website, contact me to communicate the discount coupon code (cabinet contact details on the homepage of the website)

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